In Search of Light- A Dispatch from Israel
As the days have become shorter and darker, and Hanukkah, the holiday of lights, is approaching, I decided to write some of my thoughts about
Jacki’s Books was created to invite you to embrace and appreciate the world of neurodiversity along with me.
My first book, Moving Forward: Reflections on Autism, Neurodiversity, Brain Surgery and Faith enlightens parents, professionals, and family members with insights and understanding about neurodiversity – including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, Sensory and Auditory Processing Disorder, and more.
I am excited to share my latest presentation/discussion, “A Journey into the World of Neurodiversity,” with audiences worldwide. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more about neurodiversity, sensory processing, parenting neurodivergent children, navigating the educational system, and more.
I am currently authoring several children’s books, and I hope to publish them in the near future.
May we all succeed in working together to create a society that celebrates the beauty of diversity and inclusiveness!
Jacki’s Books was created to invite you to embrace and appreciate the world of neurodiversity along with me.
My first book, Moving Forward: Reflections on Autism, Neurodiversity, Brain Surgery and Faith enlightens parents, professionals, and family members with insights and understanding about neurodiversity – including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, Auditory Processing Disorder, and more.
I am currently authoring a number of children’s books, so please be sure to check back over the next few months to find out when they will be released!
Looking toward a future where society celebrates neurodiversity and inclusion!
Jacki Edry
Jacki Edry published her first book “Moving Forward: Reflections on Autism, Neurodiversity, Brain Surgery, and Faith” in 2021, and shortly after that, she launched her blog. In addition, she enjoys lecturing about neurodiversity and sensory processing to a wide range of audiences.
She is a graduate of Hampshire College with many years of experience in education, writing, lecturing, and marketing. She has been exploring the world of autism and neurodiversity for over thirty-five years.
Jacki is also neurodistinct, a survivor of complex brain surgery, which greatly affected her sensory and perceptual abilities. Her children have been diagnosed with varying forms of neurodivergence, including autism, ADHD, Auditory and Sensory Processing Disorder, Irlen syndrome, dyslexia, and more. Sharing her insights and understanding of neurodivergence has been the driving force behind her work.
Jacki has spent many years advocating for inclusion and educational reform. Her work as a neurodiversity advocate has been recognized worldwide, and in 2023 she was chosen as one of the top 50 Neurodiversity Evangelists by ND by design, powered by Dynamis.
Jacki was born and raised in NY, and upon completion of her studies, she made Aliyah to Israel, where she resides with her husband, children, and dog.
Moving Forward is a journey between the worlds of autism, neurodiversity, brain surgery recovery, and faith. It provides a rare glimpse into how sensory and neurological processing affect functioning and thought through the eyes of a professional, parent, and woman who has experienced them firsthand.
This book presents an informative, emotional, and empowering account of the challenges and struggles on the road to recovery ‒ as well as the search for understanding, meaning, and faith. It enables you to step into the shoes of someone who has endured the types of sensory irregularities common in people with neurodiversity – including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, Auditory Processing Disorder, and more, and to gain understanding as to how to cope with these challenges and to compensate for them.
Moving Forward will enlighten parents, professionals, and family members to better understand and assist the neurodivergent people they work with and love.
Welcome to Jacki’s Blog! I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts and insights regarding neurodiversity (autism, ADHD, Auditory and Sensory Processing Syndrome, dyslexia, Irlen syndrome), parenting, education, inclusion, healing, faith, and more! I hope you will find them enlightening and inspiring, and looking forward to reading your feedback! Best wishes, Jacki
As the days have become shorter and darker, and Hanukkah, the holiday of lights, is approaching, I decided to write some of my thoughts about
I have a question for all of my Israeli friends who are dog owners: Do your dogs also immediately run to the safe room when
A short story about a brief encounter with a group of soldiers on their way to reserve duty in Israel, and how they touched my heart.
This week’s post examines sensory processing and overload and seeks to answer the question: Is it possible to help people become less sensitive to sensory stimuli by gradually exposing them to them while in a completely safe environment, working with someone they trust?
Interview on the “Connected For Real” Podcast with Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman Many people feel that marriage and parenting are two of the most beautiful blessings
My apologies. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the presence of mind to post on my blog. But now, slowly, my mind is
“Moving Forward: Reflections on Autism, Neurodiversity, Brain Surgery and Faith” has been chosen as part of the JDAIM recommended reading list.
Review of “Moving Forward: Reflections on Autism, Neurodiversity, Brain Surgery, and Faith” by Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
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