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Tune in to The Uniquely Human Podcast

I’m thrilled to announce that recently, I was privileged to be a guest on the renowned podcast- hosted by Barry Prizant, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Dave Finch, “The Uniquely Human Podcast!”

Here’s what they had to say:
“Jacki Edry’s personal journey as a brain surgery survivor and parent of autistic and neurodivergent children provides unique insight into the neurodivergent experience. Additionally, her courage and persistence during her ongoing process of recovery, and her desire to help others based on her experience is an incredible story from which we all can learn. Jacki shares her journey with Barry and Dave, and all she has learned that may be of benefit to neurodivergent individuals and their families.”

It was a true honor to be their guest, and I invite you to tune in to hear our discussion!

I’m excited to hear what you think!

Also, I invite you to scroll down and sign up for my mailing list to receive my newsletter, hear about upcoming talks and podcasts, and more!

#autism #neurodiversity #brainSurgery #education #ADHD #Dyslexia #Sensory and Auditory Processing Disorder #SPD #APD #IrlenSyndrome

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Picture of Jacki Edry

Jacki Edry

Jacki Edry is a graduate of Hampshire College and has an extensive background in education, writing, and marketing. She has been exploring the world of autism and neurodiversity for over thirty-five years. 

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A Soldier’s Story

A short story about a brief encounter with a group of soldiers on their way to reserve duty in Israel, and how they touched my heart.

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Jacki's Books


Moving Forward  is a journey between the worlds of autism, neurodiversity, brain surgery recovery, and faith. It provides a rare glimpse into how sensory and neurological processing affect functioning and thought, through the eyes of a professional, parent, and woman who has experienced them firsthand.

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