In Search of Light- A Dispatch from Israel

As the days have become shorter and darker, and Hanukkah, the holiday of lights, is approaching, I decided to write some of my thoughts about what it has been like living in Israel through these difficult times and how I feel the need to seek out light and hope going forward. I’d like to thank […]
What do your dogs do when they hear the sirens?

I have a question for all of my Israeli friends who are dog owners: Do your dogs also immediately run to the safe room when they hear the sirens (even before you react to it)? Just curious… What a crazy reality we are living in… #Israel #Israeli #dogs #war #warinisrael
A Soldier’s Story

A short story about a brief encounter with a group of soldiers on their way to reserve duty in Israel, and how they touched my heart.
Can Sensory Sensitivities Be Reduced Through Exposure?

This week’s post examines sensory processing and overload and seeks to answer the question: Is it possible to help people become less sensitive to sensory stimuli by gradually exposing them to them while in a completely safe environment, working with someone they trust?
Marriage and Parenting Neurodiverse Children

Interview on the “Connected For Real” Podcast with Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman Many people feel that marriage and parenting are two of the most beautiful blessings of their lives. However, they also involve tremendous investment, and alongside pleasure and beauty, there are often challenges and ups and downs. The natural challenges of raising a family are […]
Coping With Grief

My apologies. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the presence of mind to post on my blog. But now, slowly, my mind is returning to focus, and I am beginning to process my thoughts and emotions clearly enough to share them with you. On June 23, the 17 of the Hebrew month of […]
Thoughts and Reflections about Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in Israel, and being that we are a tiny country with a civilian army, it is something that hits close to home for everyone. It is always an extremely difficult day, but this year, it is far more challenging than usual due to the heinous attacks on Israel on Oct. 7, […]
Does My Child Have Behavioral Issues or Sensory Challenges?

In today’s post, I’d like to discuss a painful situation I encountered a few weeks ago. I went to meet a few friends for breakfast, and when I arrived, a few of my friends were engaged in an emotional discussion about their children. One of them appeared to be visibly distressed. She was speaking to […]
Tune in to The Uniquely Human Podcast

I’m thrilled to announce that recently, I was privileged to be a guest on the renowned podcast- hosted by Barry Prizant, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Dave Finch, “The Uniquely Human Podcast!” Here’s what they had to say:“Jacki Edry’s personal journey as a brain surgery survivor and parent of autistic and neurodivergent children provides unique insight into the neurodivergent experience. […]
“Embracing Acquired Neurodivergence” Presentation by Jacki Edry at CASY Cultural Autism Studies at Yale University

On January 4th, I had the immense pleasure of sharing my presentation, “Embracing Acquired Neurodivergence,” with the CASY Cultural Autism Studies Online Speaker Series. CASY is the Ethnography Project led by Dr. Dawn Prince-Hughes at Yale University. My presentation dived into my journey with acquired neurodivergence and challenges with sensory processing as a brain surgery […]