Tune in to The Uniquely Human Podcast

I’m thrilled to announce that recently, I was privileged to be a guest on the renowned podcast- hosted by Barry Prizant, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Dave Finch, “The Uniquely Human Podcast!” Here’s what they had to say:“Jacki Edry’s personal journey as a brain surgery survivor and parent of autistic and neurodivergent children provides unique insight into the neurodivergent experience. […]

Ode to Different Brains

image of colorful brain

When I look back on my childhoodI remember how I fooled everyone around meso wellthat nobody believed me when I told them, I was different. They all know I was somewhat of an introverted lonerspending most of my days lost in dreamlanddelving into books or traveling through imaginary worldsalways seeking solace with animals or nature. But […]

Interview on the Aucademy Podcast

I’m really excited to share this fascinating and informative conversation Katie Munday, MRes of Aucademy – Education for everyone on Autistic experience, about my book, autism, aba, ADHD, Irlen syndrome, sensory and auditory processing, education, neurodiversity, publishing, and more. I can’t wait to hear what you think! Click here to dive in!

Thoughts about recent world events

back to JACKI’S  BLOG THOUGHTS Thoughts about recent world events The recent terror events in Israel and the overall situation around the world have affected me greatly, and I feel quite distressed. So I apologize, but I feel the need to leave the professional realm and share some of my thoughts. I might be mistaken, […]

Mindset and Mistakes- Lessons from LEGO

An enlightening discussion with my son who discovered through building LEGO that, more often than not, “mistakes” turn out to be excellent opportunities for growth, opportunity, learning, and discovery.