In Search of Light- A Dispatch from Israel
As the days have become shorter and darker, and Hanukkah, the holiday of lights, is approaching, I decided to write some of my thoughts about what it has been like living in Israel through these difficult times and how I feel the need to seek out light and hope going forward. I’d like to thank […]
What do your dogs do when they hear the sirens?
I have a question for all of my Israeli friends who are dog owners: Do your dogs also immediately run to the safe room when they hear the sirens (even before you react to it)? Just curious… What a crazy reality we are living in… #Israel #Israeli #dogs #war #warinisrael
A Soldier’s Story
A short story about a brief encounter with a group of soldiers on their way to reserve duty in Israel, and how they touched my heart.
Thoughts and Reflections about Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day in Israel, and being that we are a tiny country with a civilian army, it is something that hits close to home for everyone. It is always an extremely difficult day, but this year, it is far more challenging than usual due to the heinous attacks on Israel on Oct. 7, […]
Mishpacha Magazine, Family First feature article about Jacki Edry- “Into Their Heads”
I’m delighted, excited, grateful, and highly honored to share with you that the incredible Barbara Bensoussan wrote an excellent article about me, my book, and my work as a neurodiversity advocate called “Into Their Heads,” now featured in the Family First section of the widely circulated Jewish Family Weekly Magazine “Mishpacha“! Click here to read […]
Thoughts about the War in Israel
I have had a very difficult few days, between paying a Shiva call (visiting the home of someone whose loved one passed away) at the home of a family member whose son was murdered trying to rescue people from the massacre in Israel and hearing firsthand the stories of the bloodbath that occurred there, and […]