Interview on the ND & Me Podcast

logo of ND & Me podcast

Many thanks to Richard Peachey for welcoming me as a guest on his podcast “ND & ME.” Tune in to hear our conversation about neurodiversity, sensory processing, education, ADHD, autism, and more. Looking forward to hearing what you think!

The Joys of an Inclusive Sukkot

Jewish Disability Inclusion Network logo

Sukkot is one of my favorite Jewish holidays. It has many special halachot (Jewish laws and rituals) that symbolize the unity of Am Israel (the people and nation of Israel) and the need to love and accept one another. In today’s trying times, these messages of unity, inclusion, and belonging are more critical than ever. […]

Announcing: A Journey into the World of Neurodiversity Presentation and Discussion with Jacki Edry

Are you interested in learning about neurodivergence, including autism, ADHD, Sensory and Auditory Processing Disorder, dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, and more? Are you curious about the relationship between sensory processing and neurodiversity?  If so, I am excited to announce my latest presentation/discussion, “A Journey into the World of Neurodiversity!” Some of the topics I cover are: Please reach out […]

Accessibility in Education Panel Discussion- Shine A Light Autistic Advocate Campaign

Tune in to hear this engaging discussion about accessibility in education on the Mind Your Autistic Brain Talk Show hosted by Carole Jean Whittington. I thoroughly enjoyed learning from Carole Jean and the incredible advocates from around the world: Simon Preston, Carrin Gilmore, Ian Joseph Rinon, and Faiza Rahman. Looking forward to hearing your insights […]

Recognition as one of the Top 50 Global Neurodiversity Evangelists 2023

photo of Jacki Edry chosen as top 50 Neurodiversity Evangelists Global 2023

Recognized by ND by Design, powered by Dynamis Group What an honor!!! Many thanks to Theo Smith from ND by Design, powered by Dynamis, for honoring me alongside an incredible group of influencers and change makers! No words can adequately describe how grateful I am! When I awoke after major brain surgery about ten years […]