In Search of Light- A Dispatch from Israel

As the days have become shorter and darker, and Hanukkah, the holiday of lights, is approaching, I decided to write some of my thoughts about what it has been like living in Israel through these difficult times and how I feel the need to seek out light and hope going forward. I’d like to thank […]
Marriage and Parenting Neurodiverse Children

Interview on the “Connected For Real” Podcast with Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman Many people feel that marriage and parenting are two of the most beautiful blessings of their lives. However, they also involve tremendous investment, and alongside pleasure and beauty, there are often challenges and ups and downs. The natural challenges of raising a family are […]
Thoughts and Reflections about Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in Israel, and being that we are a tiny country with a civilian army, it is something that hits close to home for everyone. It is always an extremely difficult day, but this year, it is far more challenging than usual due to the heinous attacks on Israel on Oct. 7, […]
Mishpacha Magazine, Family First feature article about Jacki Edry- “Into Their Heads”

I’m delighted, excited, grateful, and highly honored to share with you that the incredible Barbara Bensoussan wrote an excellent article about me, my book, and my work as a neurodiversity advocate called “Into Their Heads,” now featured in the Family First section of the widely circulated Jewish Family Weekly Magazine “Mishpacha“! Click here to read […]
Let’s Talk about Jewish Identity

In these challenging times, Judaism, Jewish identity, and the right of the State of Israel to exist have become topics of interest. A few years ago, I published my first book “Moving Forward: Reflections on Autism, Neurodiversity, Brain Surgery, and Faith,” and in one of the chapters (p. 82), I discussed what led me to […]
The Joys of an Inclusive Sukkot

Sukkot is one of my favorite Jewish holidays. It has many special halachot (Jewish laws and rituals) that symbolize the unity of Am Israel (the people and nation of Israel) and the need to love and accept one another. In today’s trying times, these messages of unity, inclusion, and belonging are more critical than ever. […]
Shana Tova! Happy Jewish New Year

For all of you who celebrate the Jewish New Year, Shana Tova! I wish you all Shalom, health, happiness, wealth, and success. May HaShem fulfill all of your wishes l’tova! And may He bring peace and caring to the world! Many blessings, Jacki
Let’s Talk about Mental Health and Sadness

I’d like to talk a little about mental health- or rather, my mental health. I’ve been struggling a bit lately, trying to avoid becoming engulfed by an overwhelming sense of sadness. I try to avoid sinking into the sadness that feels like a dense black cloud is penetrating my soul. I have realized that for […]
Neurodiversity, Neurodivergence, and the Significance of an Inclusive Community

I am honored to share this article I wrote for the newly launched Jewish Disability Inclusion News (you can check out their site here) For the last few weeks, I have found myself mulling over a particularly painful incident that took place in Israel and made waves in the news and on social media. It […]
Interview on the “Extraordinary Jews- The Untold Story of the Frum Neurodiverse Population” Podcast

I’d like to share with you an engaging conversation with Debbie Ginsberg, who kindly featured me as a guest on her newly launched podcast “Extraordinary Jews- The Untold Story of the Frum Neurodiverse Population.” I invite you to all tune in to our conversation about neurodiversity, ADHD, autism, diagnosis and misdiagnosis, the senses, sensory processing, […]